Kyan Palmer & nicopop. Deliver Summer Bop "Headcase"

Kyan Palmer and nicopop. are two of our recent favorites here at Musical Notes Global.

Both solo artists, the pair began teaming up to create hits together, and their latest, “Headcase,” is a track we’re going to jamming out to all summer long.

Defined by super sleek production, Palmer’s soulful vocals, and infectious pop hooks, “Headcase” follows the success of the duo’s previous singles “Unofficial Lover” and “Antisocial Socialites,” which all come in anticipation of a full-length album set to release later this year.

"We have a similar work ethic and taste pallets that compliment each other really nicely in the studio," nicopop. reveals about working with Palmer. "I truly feel that when Kyan and I work together, we make the music we’ve always wanted to be making.” 

Listen to “Headcase” below.

For all of Kyan Palmer and nicopop.’s latest news and updates, follow them on social media:

Kyan Palmer

Instagram: @kyanpalmer

Twitter: @kyanpalmer


Instagram: @iamnicopop

Twitter: @iamnicopop