Grey Gersten Plays Intimate Album Release Show in NYC
/PHOTO CREDIT: Musical Notes Global
In the cozy setting of a Soho loft, artistic visionary Grey Gersten celebrated the release of his newest album Naked Light on June 9.
Creativity was free to bloom during the nine-hour affair. Pillows on the seasoned wood floor served as seating for guests attending the show while Gersten set up his impromptu stage in one corner of the room. In front of huge windows overlooking the street below, Gersten, guitar in hand, played to an eager gathering of fans and friends, sharing tracks from the new album in between appearances by special guests that even included a performance by an improv comedy group. The late-night sounds of the city outside added a surge of electricity to the otherwise relaxed ambience.
PHOTO CREDIT: Musical Notes Global
Uniquely, the event ran from 8:30pm June 9 until 5:30 am June 10, and Gersten certainly accomplished his goal of drawing attendees into the intimate environment of Naked Light with the show. Free spirited and loose, the night fostered the same energy with which he created his new record.
For all of Grey Gersten's latest news and updates, follow him on social media:
Instagram: @greygersten
Twitter: @GreyGersten